American Dream is the only agency in Europe that offers professional practices in the fields of agriculture, enology, mechanics, engineering, construction and veterinary medicine.

The agency works with more than 90 employers across America in these areas, and we are able to provide just the right internship for you!

Who is eligible to apply: Candidates who are in their final year or graduate students from the Faculty of Agriculture, Mechanical Engineering, Technology, Engineering or Veterinary Medicine, as well as persons who do not have a university degree, but have at least 5 years of work experience in agriculture, mechanics, construction and veterinary medicine, have the right to apply. It can take up to 6 months from the moment of application to the moment of departure.

prijavite se
Upon signing the contract, the candidate pays the amount of 15,000 RSD to the account of the American Dream agency on behalf of the application for the Program. The given amount is non-refundable.

What are the prices:

The agency offers the following options:

  • Full Placement Program – where the agency and sponsor find work and accommodations
  • Self Placement Program – where the candidates themselves find an employer and accommodations.

The program can be paid in several ways, and the agency decides whether the candidate is suitable for a given type of program payment. There is a possibility to pay 30% – 70% of the program during your stay in America, and all types of payments are without the mediation of a bank, but the agency also offers the possibility of an interest-free loan.

Full Placement option:

Program prices vary depending on the choice of sponsoring agency. For a list of price lists of all sponsoring agencies, send an inquiry to

Prices range from $ 2950 – $ 3350 and all candidates have the right to pay 30-70% of the price of the Program from America

Self Placement option:

We would need to see which sponsor would accept the chosen employer, the prices vary from $2100 – $2600.

The price does not include:

  • For the full placement option – Health insurance – the cost is $55 per month. the full amount must be paid before the visa process, every candidate must be insured during the full length of the program (insurance is included in the price of the self placement option).
  • SEVIS FEE – $220 which is paid to the branch of the Department of State.
  • Visa processing fee in the embassy – $160 which is paid to the American embassy.
  • The cost of food and drink in the USA.
  • Costs of airfare, transportation, and accommodations of candidates while in the USA.

In the event of program cancelation the agency withholds the following amount:

  • The candidate is obligated to inform his/her agency about their decision to cancel their participation in the program BEFORE their scheduled interview with the employer. Failure to do so will result in the candidate being obligated to pay $150 to the agency.
  • Candidates who do not respect the time restraints of the program will be considered as canceling their participation in the program, and shall be charged in regard to their status in the processing of the program.
  • If a candidate accepts a job offer and then decides to cancel their participation, before the issuing of a DS form, they will be charged $350.
  • In the event of a denied visa, the amount withheld is $500.
  • The money is not returned after receiving a DS form, after getting a visa, after the program starts, after losing employment, and the candidate is obligated to pay any and all leftover expenses towards the sponsor and the agency.

Note: The $160 visa fee and the $220 service fee are non-agency fees and are non-refundable to candidates in any case.

Vukasin Kosic
Vukasin Kosic
Od momenta odlučivanja prijave na Internship program, do sletanja na USA tlo je prošlo manje od mesec dana. Sve preporuke za rad agencije.
nikolina stolnik
nikolina stolnik
Sve riječi pohvale za agenciju koja ti omogućuje da ipak ostvariš neke želje i snove koje si imala prilikom zadnje posjete SAD-u. Još više riječi zahvale Vladimiru koji je uvijek dostupan, pa makar i sada s 8h razlike:D the man s pravim savjetima, spreman pomoći u bilo kojem trenutku i smislu riječi, profesionalan i s previše iskustva. Hvala jos jednom American Dreamu i Vladimiru uz sve preporuke svih budućim korisnicima.
Jelena Radmanovic
Jelena Radmanovic
Veliko hvala Vladimiru za najbolje zivotno iskustvo do sada! Sve je proslo sjajno, a program sam platila iz Amerike dok sam radila!
Marina Colakovic
Marina Colakovic
Izuzetno sam zadovoljna radom agencije, personalizovanom uslugom i sjajnim Vladom Veselinovicem! Uvek je bio dostupan i rad da odgovori na sva moja pitanja. Ovaj program može biti veliki izazov za sve studente a Vlada je tu da vas podrži, usmeri i posavetuje. Sve preporuke i radujem se novoj saradnji!
Jelica Stanić
Jelica Stanić
Sve pohvale za agenciju i Vladimira koji je maksimalno posvećen, odgovoran i profesionalan i uvek spreman da odgovori na sva pitanja, nedoumice, zahteve i nadje kompromis tako da ceo proces prodje bez imalo muke i sa osmehom na licu? Uz takvu ažurnost i organizaciju, malo ko može da se takmiči sa American Dream-om✈?
Milos Tadic
Milos Tadic
Prijateljski i ujedno profesionalan pristup. Sve pohvale, 2021. nas čeka ☺️
Maja Mirković
Maja Mirković
I would 100% recommend this agency to anyone who is uncertain on which one they would go with. Vladimir is very helpful, professional and devoted to making his clients satisfied with the service and he does all in a friendly, stress-free manner :)
Najbolja agencija kod nas za W&T! Ljubazni i profesionalni. Uvek izlaze u susret na svako pitanje. Takođe jedno veliko BRAVO i za Vladimira. ?
Ljiljana Djordjevic
Ljiljana Djordjevic
Sve pohvale za agenciju, takodje i za Vladu koji je na raspolaganju 24/7 ? jako je iskren, prijatan, ljubazan, posvecen i pre svega strpljiv sa pitanjima... Sve preporukee! Veliki pozdrav ?