The Work and Travel program is a cultural exchange program authorized by the Department of State of the USA that allows foreign students to come see and experience the American way of life. The Work and Travel Program in the United States is one of many cultural exchange programs authorized by the United States Department of State and implemented through authorized sponsorship agencies by the Department of State.

Candidates will have the opportunity to live, work and travel across the USA for the duration of the program (4-5 months). Candidates will have the opportunity to work alongside their American colleagues, to be equally paid, and acknowledged as their American colleagues. They will have the opportunity to travel across the USA and meet a multitude of different people and cultures and as such enrich their lives.

Work and Travel


American Dream cooperates with a vast number of sponsors, because of that we are able to cater to our students wishes when it comes to the location of their program and their employer.

We cooperate with over 400 employers across the USA and as such are able to find just the right adventure for you!

We strive to present and offer every candidate a program perfect for their character and affinities, because our goal isn’t to send someone to a place where they don’t see themselves having the time of their life. Because both you and we want the same thing – for you to have the best summer of your life!

Each candidate is unique, so is each location and employer. Because of that our goal is to match each candidate with the right location and employer to get the winning combination!

Work and Travel

Candidates who meet the following requirements are eligible to apply for the Work and Travel program:

Requirements for the Work and Travel program as per the rules of the embassy of the USA:

  • Regular attending student of an accredited college, university or vocational studies (bachelor, master, specialized, doctors studies).
  • Timely finishing of exams and student obligations.
  • A drive for bettering ones self.
  • A passport that will remain valid for at least 6 mans past the end of the program.
  • A basic understanding of the English language.
  • An appetite for travel and adventure.

The embassies of the USA issue these rules for all applicants interested in the prigram, as you can see they are pretty clear and simple. Those who meet the requirements but are deemed “unfit students” by their criteria, risk the chance of being denied a visa.

Keep reading to find our suggestions on how to get through the visa process with ease. These suggestions are based off of multiple years of experience from many agencies and with over 5000 successful visa applications.

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding the program or the visa process and we’ll be happy to help.

Our tips and suggestions for requirements the students should meet before applying are:

  • That the candidate enrolled into their college or vocational studies regularly after finishing their high school in a regular and timely manner.
  • That the candidate is of the age of most students that would have been finishing their education in a regular fashion.
  • That the candidate is not over 26 years of age.
  • That the candidate has been finishing their exams and course work in a timely manner and enrolling further with no breaks in between.
  • That the candidate hasn’t lost their scholarship if they held one.
  • That the candidate hasn’t changed their studies from one college to another.
  • That the candidate has enough student credits when applying for the visa as if they finished their course work for the semester and at least 2 more exams from the following semester.
  • That if the candidate is on their master of doctors studies, that they enrolled into them regularly after finishing their bachelors/masters without any breaks in between.
  • That their grade point average is 8.0 or above.
  • That they have no relatives that have resided or still reside in the USA illegally.
  • That they have no criminal record or active warrants.
  • That their mastery of the English language is sufficient for basic conversation.
American Dream and Work and Travel

American Dream je nastao iz ljubavi prema Americi i kulturnoj razmeni i iz želje da se pomogne svim zainteresovanim studentima da vide i dožive svoj američki san.

Svi zaposleni u agenciji su višestruki učesnici Work and Travel Programa, a vlasnik je predstavnik Work and Travel alumni organizacije Srbije i stipendista SAD-a.

Jedina smo agencija na Balkanu koja nudi mogućnost otplate programa iz Amerike, i to bez posredovanja banaka i drugih institucija. Na ovaj način, pomažemo kandidatima da ostvare svoj američki san.

Trudimo se da svima izađemo u susret po pitanju posla, lokacije, smeštaja, odabira avionske karte i svega vezanog za kompletan Work and Travel Program.

I mi sami smo bili mladi studenti koji su imali ogromne želje i ambicije, pa tako i sami znamo koliko Vam je teško pri odabiru svega, kao i samog usklađivanja obaveza na fakultetu, kući ili poslu. Zato smo mi tu da Vam olakšamo proces i završimo sve što je do nas, a za ono što nije do nas, tu smo da Vas istinski savetujemo da povučete najbolje poteze i korake kako biste uspeli da ostvarite Vaše ciljeve.

Svakom kandidatu ćemo iskreno reći i saopštiti kakve su im šanse za dobijanje vize u Ambasadi SAD-a, kao i šanse pri dobitku određenog posla i drugih stvari. Cilj nam je da ostvarimo prijateljski odnos i da ostanemo bliski i daleko posle Work and Travel Programa i Vaše avanture u Americi.



  • Do I have health insurance while participating in the Work and Travel program?

    Yes. All candidates participating through the American Dream agency have health insurance coverage. All candidates are insured for $350.000,00, if there comes to any complications or problems, the candidate is fully covered, except for the participation fees that can vary from $20 – $50 dollars depending on the state and the severity of the procedure. In the case of a serious intervention, the candidate is fully covered. The only thing the insurance doesn’t cover is eye and dental care, as these are typically seen as chronic ailments, as such the insurance isn’t meant for chronic ailments..

  • Do I have accommodations while on the Work and Travel program and how much do they cost?

    Yes. Every candidate participating through the American Dream agency has guaranteed accommodations in the USA, the price of the accommodations depends on the city and state in which you will be residing, the prices can vary from $0 – $500 per month. Typically the accommodations are shared with 1 – 2 people. Here you will have the chance to meet new people from different places and cultures because they will typically be other students from different countries 🙂

    Some landlords will require a deposit of half or a full months rent in advance, but there are those that don’t require any deposit at all. If a deposit is required it is refunded prior to leaving to return to your country, or after arriving and it will be transferred to the agency and then sent to the candidate.

  • What are the average hourly rates for the Work and Travel program?

    Hourly rates depend on the state and position the candidate will be working. The rates vary from $3 + tips, to $16 per hour.
    Candidates participating in the Work and Travel program will be paid equally as their American colleagues.
    The average monthly salary is from $2000 – $3000. The students will have their tax deducted, but since they are not residents, it will be refunded as a tax return at the end of the next fiscal year.

  • Can I pay for the Work and Travel program from America?

    Yes. All candidates participating through the American Dream agency have the possibility to pay for the program in a variety of ways, one of these ways is from America or right after returning from the program. For this type of payment there is NO INTEREST and you DO NOT need any credit from a bank!

    Note: For some of these options a guarantor is required. For more information ask the agency.

  • In the event of a visa denial does the agency withhold any money?

    The agency in cooperation with the insurance house refunds all funds paid to the agency in the name of the program as long as the insurance was paid in the amount of $100.

    Note: The $160 visa tax and the $35 SEVIS fee tax are non-agency related payments and as such are non-refundable.

Further details on our programs, prices and conditions can be found on the following link:
Work and Travel
Work and Travel Program
Vukasin Kosic
Vukasin Kosic
Od momenta odlučivanja prijave na Internship program, do sletanja na USA tlo je prošlo manje od mesec dana. Sve preporuke za rad agencije.
nikolina stolnik
nikolina stolnik
Sve riječi pohvale za agenciju koja ti omogućuje da ipak ostvariš neke želje i snove koje si imala prilikom zadnje posjete SAD-u. Još više riječi zahvale Vladimiru koji je uvijek dostupan, pa makar i sada s 8h razlike:D the man s pravim savjetima, spreman pomoći u bilo kojem trenutku i smislu riječi, profesionalan i s previše iskustva. Hvala jos jednom American Dreamu i Vladimiru uz sve preporuke svih budućim korisnicima.
Jelena Radmanovic
Jelena Radmanovic
Veliko hvala Vladimiru za najbolje zivotno iskustvo do sada! Sve je proslo sjajno, a program sam platila iz Amerike dok sam radila!
Marina Colakovic
Marina Colakovic
Izuzetno sam zadovoljna radom agencije, personalizovanom uslugom i sjajnim Vladom Veselinovicem! Uvek je bio dostupan i rad da odgovori na sva moja pitanja. Ovaj program može biti veliki izazov za sve studente a Vlada je tu da vas podrži, usmeri i posavetuje. Sve preporuke i radujem se novoj saradnji!
Jelica Stanić
Jelica Stanić
Sve pohvale za agenciju i Vladimira koji je maksimalno posvećen, odgovoran i profesionalan i uvek spreman da odgovori na sva pitanja, nedoumice, zahteve i nadje kompromis tako da ceo proces prodje bez imalo muke i sa osmehom na licu? Uz takvu ažurnost i organizaciju, malo ko može da se takmiči sa American Dream-om✈?
Milos Tadic
Milos Tadic
Prijateljski i ujedno profesionalan pristup. Sve pohvale, 2021. nas čeka ☺️
Maja Mirković
Maja Mirković
I would 100% recommend this agency to anyone who is uncertain on which one they would go with. Vladimir is very helpful, professional and devoted to making his clients satisfied with the service and he does all in a friendly, stress-free manner :)
Najbolja agencija kod nas za W&T! Ljubazni i profesionalni. Uvek izlaze u susret na svako pitanje. Takođe jedno veliko BRAVO i za Vladimira. ?
Ljiljana Djordjevic
Ljiljana Djordjevic
Sve pohvale za agenciju, takodje i za Vladu koji je na raspolaganju 24/7 ? jako je iskren, prijatan, ljubazan, posvecen i pre svega strpljiv sa pitanjima... Sve preporukee! Veliki pozdrav ?